Writing a quality resume is a crucial but difficult skill! A good resume must include all your basic information, especially your contact information. If an employer or hiring manager is interested in you, it should be easy for them to find ways to contact you. Your highest degree of education and any certifications should always be included as well.

Presentation is key! Always use the same font throughout your resume. Bolded titles and smaller dates are acceptable, but a uniform font will give your resume a professional appearance.

Following your basic information should be your professional summary. This includes your valuable skills, your individual or professional goals, and kind of job you are searching for.

Next up is your professional experience. Each job should include the job title and description, the company name, and the period of time you spent working there. They should be listed in reverse chronological order beginning with the most recent. Be sure to explain any gaps you may have had in between jobs, regardless of the reason.

Include any specific tools or technological platforms you have used in the past as well, as these key words will enable your resume to appear in different search engines used by recruiters or hiring managers.That being said, avoid using key words that you are not familiar or experienced with as well. Be true to yourself!

Try to keep your resume between 2-3 pages, making it quick and easy to read for recruiters and hiring managers.

Finally, proof-reading is crucial! Rid your resume of any grammatical or spelling errors, and be sure to utilize proper spacing, bolding, underlining, and italicization when appropriate. Your resume is your personalized sales brochure, so make it look good!