I hope you are all staying safe and surrounded by loved ones during these unprecedented times. Despite all the chaos and uncertainty that currently confronts us, it provides us with a greater perspective of what is important and should be prioritized in our lives as we strive to overcome COVID-19 together. That being said, there are still some certainties under these circumstances, one of them being that recruiting lives on; in fact, it might be easier than ever!

Due to the stay-at-home orders that have been issued in many states, as well as the general health and safety precautions that have been strongly recommended by just about every medical professional, candidates are spending more time at home. This extended staycation (if you will) enables candidates to respond more actively to recruiters, both through email and on the phone.

Unfortunately, the economic impact of this virus has led to many employees losing their jobs unexpectedly, meaning more people are looking for work. Furthermore, the uncertainty aspect is also applicable to those who have held on to their jobs, but are looking for opportunities that may be more stable than their current position. Thus, the database for candidates is as extensive as it has ever been in recent years.

Lastly, although we are unsure when, the spread of COVID-19 will eventually come to a halt, which means now is the time to gear up in order to fill positions that will soon need to be filled. Remember, it is always easier to stay prepared than it is to get prepared!

Although it may be hard to turn down distractions like the snacks in the pantry or the newest Netflix shows, it is critical that recruiters avoid procrastinating and take advantage of this period of time in order to line up strong candidates for your positions of need. Social distancing does not apply to your devices, so pick up the phone!